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Java is a popular programming language that is well-known for being flexible and independent of platforms. Java was created by Sun Microsystems, which is now owned by Oracle. It is extremely portable since it can operate on any device or operating system that supports Java thanks to the Java Virtual Machine (JVM). It is well known for its durability and includes features like garbage collection, which handles memory allocation and deallocation automatically and makes development easier. Because Java is object-oriented, it encourages modular and reusable code, which improves program scalability and maintainability. Because of its large standard library, which offers developers ready-to-use components for a variety of activities from networking to creating graphical user interfaces (GUIs), it may be used for a wide range of applications, including web development, mobile apps, and business systems.

Java's active community, which continually brings new features and updates to the language, is the main reason for its success. Because it follows the "write once, run anywhere" (WORA) idea, it is a recommended option for developing cross-platform applications. Because of its stability and performance, Java is used extensively in server-side applications, web services, and large-scale enterprise solutions in addition to software development. Java maintains its relevance as technology advances by adjusting to emerging technologies like big data processing and cloud computing, guaranteeing its position as a mainstay in modern software development.

"The Java programming language is, in many ways, the Switzerland of the programming world." - Danny Coward

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IT professional

Module 01: Course Introduction
Module 02: The Java Environment
Module 03: Basic Language Elements
Module 04: Object Oriented Programming
Module 05: Extending Classes and Inheritance
Module 06: Package
Module 07: Exception Handling
Module 08: Array & String
Module 09: Thread
Module 10: A Collection of Useful Classes
Module 11: GUI Programming
Module 12: Event Handling
Module 13: Database Programming using JDBC
Module 14: Java Server Technologies Servlet

About the author

James Gosling

James Gosling, known as the "father of Java," created the language in the mid-1990s at Sun Microsystems. He designed it for cross-platform use, leading to Java's principle of "write once, run anywhere." His emphasis on simplicity, portability, and reliability made Java immensely popular. Gosling's work has significantly influenced modern software development and earned him numerous industry accolades.

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